Accelerating Clinical Development: Modern Tools In Process Chemistry
Whether you aim to address specific bottlenecks or explore advanced techniques, gain a practical and forward-thinking perspective to streamline early-phase development with HTE and model-based approaches.
How To Optimize Your Safety Pharmacology Studies
Watch as Dr. Michael R. Gralinski describes how to optimize safety pharmacology studies and make informed decisions to advance your drug development program efficiently.
Choose The Right Model: Miniature Swine Model Selection Criteria For Toxicology And Pharmacology Studies
Learn to select the ideal miniature swine model for preclinical studies by exploring selection criteria, comparative pharmacological data, and considerations for toxicology and pharmacology research.
The Minipig As A Model For Juvenile Toxicity Studies
In this presentation, Dr. Jeff Klein explains how to select the ideal animal model, including the advantages of minipigs, for your juvenile toxicology studies.
Avoiding Obstacles When Outsourcing Your Nonclinical Research
By watching this presentation, viewers will learn how to overcome outsourcing challenges, avoid critical missteps, and keep your nonclinical drug development program on track.
Downsized Miniature Swine: A New Spin On The Oldest Model
Discover how the Sinclair Nanopig™ offers an innovative, scalable alternative to traditional non-rodent models for nonclinical safety studies in this expert-led presentation.
Adversity Level Determination In Nonclinical Toxicity Studies — A CRO Perspective
Gain expert insights on determining adversity levels in nonclinical toxicity studies and advancing your drug development program with confidence.
Overcoming Technical Challenges In Developing A Model For Hemophilia A
Data from this presentation will showcase the successful establishment of a hemophilia A model and the demonstrated efficacy of several compounds tested within this framework.
Nonclinical Safety Assessment For Gene Therapy Products
Receive an overview of the latest trends in study designs for gene therapy products and highlight the science-based adjustments required for study timing, as outlined in the ICH S12 guideline.
How Do I Select The Right Species For My Toxicology Program?
Dive into the scientific rationale driving species selection for your nonclinical program, including how in vitro species comparison studies can determine the right species for your program.