Infographic | July 20, 2022

Biotin CAPture Kit Ready-To-Go Interaction Analysis

Source: Cytiva

Biotin CAPture Kit contains Sensor Chip CAP, which is based on CM5 matrix modified with oligonucleotides (oligos):

  • Streptavidin (SA) conjugate is captured via oligo hybridization.
  • Biotinylated ligand binds to SA.
  • Measure analyte association and dissociation.
  • Standardized regeneration removes Biotin CAPture Reagent and the biotinylated ligand.

Our Single Cycle Kinetics (SCK) regularly provides useful results on the first attempt, determines affinity and kinetics in a single analysis cycle, uses less Biotin CAPture Reagent and ligand sample, and has a faster result time compared to Multi Cycle Kinetics (MCK) experiments. Learn when to use Biotin CAPture Kit.

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