
Simtra BioPharma Solutions Capacity Update July 2024: Fill/Finish

Source: Simtra BioPharma Solutions

Simtra BioPharma Solutions (Simtra) is a premier CMO with a singular focus on sterile injectable drug product form/fill/finish services. Simtra can support both clinical and commercial scale projects and a variety of drug types including both small molecules and biologics either cytotoxic or of standard potency in a variety of platforms including liquid and lyophilized vials and pre-filled syringes. Simtra has manufacturing facilities in both the EU (Halle/Westfalen, Germany) and in the US (Bloomington, Indiana USA). Simtra BioPharma Solutions currently has open capacity for development services as well as liquid vial projects at both manufacturing sites and can support rapid tech transfer depending on the complexity of the project and the availability of raw materials.

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