
DrugPharmer Internet Tool

Source: Bioreason, Inc.
DrugPharmer is the knowledge-mining tool that allows use between groups...
DrugPharmer is the knowledge-mining tool that allows use between groups. This program is accessible over secure Internet connections and via customers' in-house intranet systems, allowing interdepartmental access to corporate knowledge.

This enabling technology is based on the multidomain classifications of chemical families developed in the LeadPharmer technology. The provider relates chemical features to biological activity and change in chemical features to change in biological activity. The biochemical behaviors are encoded as a set of phylogenetic-like SAR trees and three-dimensional pharmacophore models.

Bioreason, Inc., 150 Washington Avenue, Suite 303, Santa Fe, NM 87501. Tel: 505-995-8188; Fax: 505-995-8186.