
AnonyMOUSE™ ECG Screening System

Source: Mouse Specifics, Inc.
System to Non-invasively Record Electrocardiograms in Conscious Mice
Arrhythmia Detection—Fast and Easy!

The AnonyMOUSETM ECG Screening System is a high-throughput whole-animal physiology screen for recording electrocardiograms in conscious mice without the need for restraint, anesthesia, or surgery. With AnonyMOUSETM data collection and e-MOUSETM data analyses, one investigator can non-invasively screen thousands of mice each year for the presence of cardiovascular phenotypes. Bradycardia, conduction defects, QT prolongation, or decreased heart rate variability are easily measured and detected by the system. One technician can record ECGs in approximately 10 mice per hour. With ease and speed you will be able to non-invasively detect the sought-after cardiovascular phenotype in your conscious mice.