8 Key Takeaways Of The Proposed FDA Modernization Act 3.03/6/2024
On Feb. 6, 2024, new legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives: the FDA Modernization Act 3.0. It aims to reduce and replace the use of animals in nonclinical research, improve predictivity of nonclinical testing, and potentially reduce drug development times. This article shares an overview. Note that the proposed legislation would still need to go through its course of passing the House and Senate and being signed by the president before becoming a law.
4 Strategies To Formulate Poorly Soluble APIs12/18/2023
One of the toughest challenges facing small molecule drug development today is poor solubility of the API. No single technique has universal application, so several strategies exist. This article examines four notable strategies.
4 Tips To Leverage Your Ingredient Supplier For Faster Formulation8/3/2023
Speed to formulation plays a critical role in recouping the investment for a new drug. Many ingredient suppliers have an experienced analytical group and material scientist group, and drug developers should reach out and leverage that expertise with these four strategies.